a documentary about art, life and real estate

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Recommended for: Architecture, Planning, Art, Design, Urban Studies, African-American Studies, Sociology, Women’s Studies

I’m teaching graduate students in a course called Arts & Community Development. They get a history of the community development movement and look at successful conventional strategies as well as culturally-based strategies…your film helped illuminate all these issues-and in such an engaging way. The students loved it

-Tom Borrup, Creative Community Builders

Third Ward TX has been used to focus discussion at regional and national conferences for those concerned with creating equitable, livable and stimulating communities including the 2008 Loeb Bruner Forum at Harvard Graduate School of Design; Real Community is Real Art, in Austin, Texas;The 2008 Regional Equity Conference in New Orleans; and Art in the Contested City at Pratt Institute in New York City, among others.

For more information, clips and screenings please contact us

This is the perfect film to screen for artists, urban planners, mayor’s conferences, architecture school lectures, professional design associations, Brad Pitt, the list goes on.

-Becky Harris, Blog.DesignPublic.com

Third Ward TX Trailer

Portrait of Rick Lowe